Giraffe Cradle delivered to Milan's Policlinic
The success of the event “Sprintiamo con Cieli Azzurri” has allowed us to donate a new “Giraffe Cradle” to the Mangiagalli Clinic.
This highly sophisticated cradle allows doctors to take better care of those infants born with diseases requiring surgical operations within their first days of life. Infants can be operated directly within the cradle, which creates a stable and safe environment, one that wouldn’t be guaranteed with a transfer to the operating room.
A similar cradle had already been donated by Cieli Azzurri, and within it numerous operations have been carried out. Nevertheless, the demand for this kind of specific care has been steadily increasing in the Mangiagalli Clinic, and the need for a new cradle has arisen. The result obtained thanks to the success of “Sprintiamo con Cieli Azzurri” is therefore one which will have a substantial impact in the waythat the Policlinic’s professionals will be able to handle these very delicate cases.
Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts, to all those who made this donation possible.